Why Choose Midwifery Care?
Pregnancy is such an exciting time for parents and choosing a care provider is one of the most important decisions you make. Midwifery Care during pregnancy is the global norm. In most other countries, birthing people only see OBs for high-risk pregnancies that have a higher likelihood of needing significant medical intervention. Midwives are able to provide care for people who are planning to birth at home, in a birth center, or in the hospital. Many people are familiar with hospital birth, but it is important to note that for low risk and normal pregnancies, birth in the community setting may be a great option!
Community Birth Midwifery Care Means...
Midwifery care int he community setting is more personalized and attentive. Appointments are far longer and more in depth than what you are able to get in the typical OBGYN office setting.
To know that you are the boss. The rules that are set are your own rules. Nobody will tell you who you can and can not have at your birth, or make you do something you do not want to do.
Freedom to move however and wherever you want. Freedom to eat and drink in labor to fuel your body. Freedom from unnecessary medical interventions. Freedom to birth in whatever way is best for you.
Not having to travel in labor to another birth place, not having to wake up older siblings because you’re in labor, not being away from the family because of a hospital stay…having care providers come to you instead of you going to them.
Most people will agree, “There’s no place like home”. To bathe in your own bathtub, lay in your own bed, eat in your own kitchen.
Study after study has shown that in the absence of prenatal complications, out of hospital birth attended by a trained care provider is as safe or safer than birthing in a hospital.
Helpful Links for Midwifery Care Consumers
Midwifery Laws in AZ:
AZ Dept. of Special Licensing - Midwife Licensing Program
AZ Midwifery Law - Revised Statute Title 36 (search midwife)
AZ Midwifery Rules and Regulations
Midwifery Information
NARM - North American Registry of Midwives
ICM - International Confederation of Midwives
NACPM - National Association of Certified Professional Midwives
MEAC - Midwifery Education Accreditation Credential
WHO - World Health Organization