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For Students

​Arizona Student Midwives is an organization committed to helping student midwives achieve their goals and build a community. We work within our community to support student midwives in their training and are here to help those who are exploring or actively pursuing midwifery by providing information, support and guidance. We hold monthly meetings where we offer discussions of different topics and an open forum to ask questions. These meetings are for current students, people who are interested in becoming a midwife and midwives and care providers interested in helping and supporting students on their journey to midwifery. We wish to create confidence and support for our future midwives, and to strengthen the birth community and future of midwives in Arizona.

Educational Pathways for AZ Students

The state of Arizona recognizes both of the educational pathways put for by the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). These pathways are known as MEAC (Midwifery Education Accreditation Council) and PEP (Portfolio Evaluation Process. 


The MEAC Educational pathway involves enrolling in one of several MEAC midwifery schools. None of these schools are based in Arizona, but many offer hybrid learning options to accomodate students who are not local. These MEAC schools have developed curriculum that is reflective of the knowledge and skillset needed to practice midwifery in the community setting. Following the completion of their degree, students will sit for the NARM exam to earn their Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) credential. For more information on MEAC schools, click HERE.


The PEP process is an educational pathway put forth and regulated by the North American Registry of Midwives. It is important to note that the PEP process is designed for rigorous self-study accompanied by an apprenticeship with a NARM-approved preceptor. This process is divided into four phases, with each phase increasing in both knowledge requirements and skill level. During each phase a student must complete specific clinical requirements while being supervised by an approved NARM preceptor. Additionally, a student must demonstrate mastery of all knowledge and skills under the supervision of two or more NARM preceptors in their Verification of Skills paperwork. Following the completion of their apprenticeship and verification of knowledge and skills, students will sit for the NARM exam to earn their Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) credential. More information about the PEP process can be found in the Candidate Information Booklet.


CPM candidates from both educational pathways sit for the same NARM Exam.


Midwifery Licensure in AZ

To obtain Midwifery licensure in Arizona, you must first become a Certified Professional Midwife (CPM) through North American Registry of Midwives (NARM). Please take note that laws, regulations and rules do change, so verify with the Arizona Department of Health what is required for licensure.  You can obtain this information at the Arizona Department of Health Services and on the NARM website. Please review state forms and the NARM Candidate Information Booklet thoroughly as the most up-to-date and detailed information is found there.


Once you have received your CPM from NARM, you are eligible to apply for licensure through the state of Arizona. Following proof of your CPM credential, you will sit for your jurisprudence test that covers the midwifery rules and regulations in Arizona. Upon passing your jurisprudence test, you will receive your LM (Licensed Midwife) credential.


Information on initial licensure application as well as renewal can be found on the ADHS website by clicking HERE.


Helpful Links for Students

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