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Meetings & Events

AAM Community Meetings

AAM Board Meetings

Held at least quarterly and more often as needed. Board meetings are open to the public and they will include a space for public comment. Check the calendar for details about date and location.

AAM Student Meetings

Times and locations vary. You do not have to be a member to attend meetings; all midwifery students and those investigating a career in midwifery are welcome to attend. Check calendar for most current information.

AAM Member Meetings

Held on the first Monday of every month from 10:30am until about noon with activities such as potluck lunch, chart review, and speakers following. Meetings are open to the public and locations vary each month. Check the calendar to see details about location and activities.

AAM Committee Meetings

Committees form as needed to complete specific tasks of the orgnaization. Each member is asked to participate in at least one active committee.  Current committees, a short desctiption, and committee chairpersons are listed below. Some committees have regular meeting dates and others meet as needed. Please check the calendar for committee meeting times and contact the chairperson directly for more information.


Manages all legal aspects of AAM including communication with attorney, providing interpretation of statute and law to AAM members, interfacing with regulating bodies on behalf of AZ LMs, monitoring and acting on legislation as needed.


In charge of raising funds for AAM when funds beyond membership dues are needed.


AAM members go-to when they are in need of support from the group


Organizes yearly state fall conference

Public Relations (PR)

IN charge of communicating on behalf of AAM to the media and public at large about current issues in midwifery.

Peer Review

Routine peer review held every other month or more often as needed


For mediation of conflict within the group, concerns about member or leadership conduct

Committee of Directors

Formed by the AAM Board of Directors

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